I felt empty this morning. Not completely empty- just not 'full' either. I felt empty of life, of supernatural patience and of His spirit. I think it came about from my lack of time spent with Jesus yesterday! Some days it just seems wiser to dive into the day and get all those mounting tasks done... but I've found that to be one of my most foolish decisions yet. After trying to figure out what to start my day with, I settled on asking Jesus what to do and He gave me the remedy to my emptiness: "Listen to music that honours me and lifts your spirit and create with me!" He didn't have to tell me twice. I grabbed some paper and oil pastels and started drawing. The first picture I was attempting was about God's Faithfulness but as I continued to draw it morphed into something inspired by Isaiah 61v3:
Once I had finished the picture, I leaned back against my couch, closed my eyes and just focused on Jesus. Immediately God gave me this picture. My eyes were closed but I could see this fireball coming down from heaven and just hovering above my forehead. As I was looking at it the Lord said that it was the fire of the Holy Spirit. I opened my eyes, sat up properly and tried to draw what I had seen.
(Finally seeing it on paper was a bit of a disappointment compared to what I saw from the Lord!)
As I drew and meditated on the picture, I felt in my spirit that it was a cleansing fire, which reminded me of a small revelation I got while I was getting out of the shower last night. This revelation was the realization of how often we wash our bodies because they get dirty but I thought to myself, 'Why don't we wash & cleanse our minds even more then we do our bodies?' Just with everything that infiltrates our thoughts and view on life, why aren't we as believers washing our minds by the reading of the Word and allowing Holy Spirit to transform our thinking through His teaching? I guess this HS Fire coming straight towards my brain really made that point hit home! So I figured that if I really wanted this to happen in my life then I needed to start reading my Bible more! But where to start is always the question. I settled on John 2, mainly cause I had this really weird dream last night about this homeless guy who got his arm healed and I was sharing the gospel with this camera crew guy and John 2 was referenced in it, but I didn't know what it even talked about! As I read through the chapter the only thing that really stood out to me was verse 5, "His mother said to the servants, 'Whatever he says to you, do it'." I just love the faith that Mary had in Jesus! (I think her faith came from the knowledge of Jesus being the Messiah--- not the faith that most mothers would have that their children can do anything they put their mind to :) The faith of knowing who Jesus really is, is the kind of faith I want in my own life! To trust in him enough that whatever He says to me... I DO IT! To be obedient to Him, to have faith in Him, to trust Him with the outcome of any situation!
At the end of the book of John, in my Bible, they have this article 'Truth - In - Action'. It really inspired me to talk to Jesus and make my spirit & will line up with His!
Here is the TRUTH aspect: PURSUING HOLINESS: Obeying Jesus is evidence that we love him and are His disciples. Our obedience is vital to holy living. The HS teaches us and gives us understanding of the Scriptures, enabling us to obey the Lord.
The ACTION part has 4 different sections:
PRACTICE instant obedience to God and His Word
FOLLOW Jesus' example in Scripture, knowing that he did only what He saw the Father doing
DETERMINE to obey the Lord. Align your will with His.
KNOW that you show your love for Jesus by obeying him. Diligently keep God's Word and steadfastly abide in His presence. (NKJV - Life in the Spirit Study Bible)
After reading that, I realized that I needed to take time to realign my will with God's Will! I had this incredible time of just sharing my heart with the Lord - especially about going to Washington DC and if it's His will for me to go then He will make a way and provide a place to stay! A little reading of my Bible, a little worship, and a little time focusing on Jesus made me so refreshed and ready to take on another crazy day! Be Blessed, ~Shelly
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