From working with prostitutes in Liverpool to high school students in Uganda, and tent revivals in Swaziland, November & December has been full of adventures!
Pearl's Project in Liverpool!
My first week with my new team was incredible! From team meetings to prayer & worship times to one on ones and getting to know the women we minister to--- it was a lot to take in but I can't wait to jump into it all again now that I'm back in the UK! We did a 'Give-Away Day' for the women! We set up this church with different stations of donated clothes, tea/coffee, delicious food, nail painting & foot massages!! The women really enjoyed themselves, opened up to us and shared where they were at in life and felt sooo loved by us & our Father God! Pray that the women continue to see how God is working in their lives and know how much He loves them!
Missions Trip to Uganda!
3 Church Services, 2 High schools, 1 Book Launch!
Rob and I had an amazing time with Dennis Sempebwa, Lisa Romesburg and Mary Njoki from Eagles Wings International in Uganda! We had the privilege of ministering in 2 different high schools, giving out 3,600 copies of 'Timeless Truths' that Dennis wrote in order to equip the next generation with tools to achieve their dreams and gain wisdom to effect every sphere of society with biblical principles! We also ministered in 3 services in a church in Kampala. It was incredible to see many give their lives to the Lord after hearing testimonies of what Jesus can do with your life! Many were delivered and set free from bondage and evil spiritual influences. Sounds a lot like Acts doesn't it!!! Here's the team at the main Christian Television station in Uganda! Dennis was interviewed about his book and we were able to watch it all on set!
Swaziland with my Family!
We had a lovely time visiting my family in Swaziland! For us, it was a time to rest, spend time with my wonderful family & friends and meaningfully connect with the Lord! England is a very fast paced culture so I welcomed this 2 week break! Catching up with old friends and having them meet Rob was so much fun!
After a very exciting first Christmas with Rob's family here in the Wirral, I'm ready for a spectacular 2017! I can't wait to see what the Lord does in this next year--- There's a limitless amount of joys and adventures to be had!
My next adventure is taking me to YWAM in Wrexham, Wales to teach on a Discipleship Training School for a week on the topic of 'The Holy Spirit'. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to teach and I'm very expectant of what the Lord is going to do in us and through me in this week!!! Please be praying for me during this time, from January 8-13, that the Holy Spirit is free to do everything & all that He wants to in this time and that I teach the Word of God truthfully & accurately!
You're welcome to partner with me again OR for the first time in this next year! There are 2 ways you can be a part of what I'm doing here in England --- PRAY & GIVE ---
Pray--- wild, radical prayers of faith to see Jesus encounter the people I'm ministering to and those living here in England. Pray that I continue to be soft & sensitive to the Lord and what he wants to do and speak to those around me!
Give--- either a one time donation or become a monthly supporter!
All donations are tax-deductible for Americans and enable me to continue ministering the love, joy & salvation of the Lord w YWAM in the United Kingdom and many other nations!
I trust you had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and I pray that this NEW YEAR is full of joy, grace, favour and blessings from the Lord!