Wednesday, 9 November 2016

SURPRISE! I'm Moving to Liverpool!

In mid November I'll be moving up to the Wirral to join a great team of people with YWAM Liverpool! As sad as it is to be leaving YWAM Harpenden after being here for 2 1/2 years, I'm really excited about this next season and all that the Lord is going to do with me! 

I'll be doing ministry with YWAM on a project called Pearls Project. The Pearls Project vision is to bring these beautiful women who are street sex workers and involved in addiction into a place of knowing their value in Christ and having a hope for their future. The team has already been loving & serving the women through visiting them and offering one to one support, by doing pamper nights & trips out, by helping them develop different life skills and by praying for them!
Jude, the team leader, has been investing into relationships with a lot of these women for years now! She has incredible stories of what God has done in the lives of these women and she's also had challenging times of asking the Lord for wisdom in what to do. I'm really looking forward to working alongside Jude and the other teammates to see how I can learn from them and minister the love of Christ to the women we meet with! 

Moving to Liverpool will also enable me to see Rob more often. Rob and I met over a year and a half ago and reconnected in June of this year. Rob visited the YWAM Harpenden base with a friend of his, to spend time with the Lord for a spiritual retreat. We have continued to get to know one another and try to see each other when we can, which is challenging because we are 4 hours apart! Rob is a co-pastor at his church and also owns a construction/plastering business. He is involved with missions through Eagle's Wings International which is a prophetic ministry to churches all around the world!

At the end of November, Rob and I along with a few others will be taking a missions trip to Uganda with Eagle's Wings International! I'm very excited to do prophetic ministry with them to multiple churches in Kampala, Uganda. I was able to be a part of their team last September when they were in England ministering to 4 different churches through a weekend conference, and I can't wait to see what the Lord does in our time in Uganda! I would greatly appreciate your prayers while we are out there from November 26 to December 6. After our missions trip, Rob and I will then spend 10 days with my family in Swaziland and have an early Christmas with them!

Over the years, the Lord has been so faithful in His provision for me as a full-time missionary for 10 years TODAY! Moving to a new city, my expenses will increase per month. Currently, I am able to live on roughly $400-$500 per month and I anticipate an increase in expenses of about $400 per month.
I am asking you to prayerfully consider partnering with me in what the Lord is doing through Pearls Project, as well as other ministries like this opportunity in Uganda. I am praying and asking the Lord to move in people's hearts to partner with me! I don’t want to limit God BUT I am praying for 20 people who can give just $20.00 per month. If you would like to be one of those people, check out the ways you can donate below!
Thank you for your interest in what the Lord is doing here in the UK, Europe, Africa and in the nations! I thank the Lord for your encouragement and partnership in seeing people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and believers being equipped for the work of the Kingdom!
Ways to Donate:
Donate from the USA: tax deductible for American Tax Payers CLICK HERE or 
        Write a check to: Missions In Africa Inc., PO Box 264, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin, 53066                Memo: Shelly Brennan
Donate from any other part of the world by CLICKING HERE!

Thursday, 2 June 2016


This one word basically sums up who I am as a human being.
It's a Danish word that doesn't exactly translate but 
the concept can be understood and felt deeply by those around you.

So the last couple months I've taken a few trips to Denmark and the Lord has been doing incredible things with me there and stirring my heart for what He's already doing! I've connected with old friends and made loads of new ones who all want to see the Kingdom of God released in a new and powerful way over their nation. It's been so encouraging every time I've gone as I see more pieces of the puzzle coming together and am seeing answers to prayers I've prayed coming together before my eyes!

This is a little story of an answer to prayer from my last trip!

In April, when I first went to Denmark, I met up with the YWAM Copenhagen team to encourage them, pray with them, get to know them and hear their vision of what the Lord was doing with their team in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. As we chatted and I heard of their long term vision to see Danes (Danish people) come to know Jesus through street evanglism and start up home churches from those who've received the Lord, it became abundantly clear that they needed more WORKERS! 
The harvest is sooo ripe and plentiful in Denmark, but they need people who are passionate and called to Copenhagen to join their team! So I did what I knew best, which is always to PRAY.  We probably spent at least 2 hours praying together for the Lord to bring the right people to join them... and a month later when I returned to Denmark, I met Nico.

  I met Nico through a friend at Hillsong church in Copenhagen and it was almost like I was hearing the words I had prayed a month earlier coming out of his mouth! Nico has just done his DTS and ONE MONTH EARLIER (when YWAM Copenhagen was praying for more people) the Lord spoke to Nico about pioneering YWAM Copenhagen and gave him a long term vision to be there, ministering, worshipping and telling people about Jesus! Even though Nico is Danish, he didn't even know that there was a team already in Copenhagen and so when he returned home from his DTS he was able to connect with them! He has vision to do another YWAM school to become more equipped and then return to Copenhagen and continue ministry there!

Nico is just one answer to the prayers we've been praying! 
{If you feel like you're called to Denmark too, I'd love to connect you with the team there!}

Now. This is why I shared that story with you. 
Because, I too, feel like the Lord is doing something with me & Denmark.
What exactly it is, I'm still figuring out, but it's gonna be awesome!

See, I was strolling down the High Street in Harpenden and mulling over what the Lord was doing because when I moved to England, I really felt that the Lord was calling me here long term and I don't believe this has changed, however, there's a bit of an unexpected twist--- this whole Denmark thing. As I'm chatting with the Lord about England and Denmark, He puts such a peace in my heart that yes, England is where I'm suppose to be and yes, there's things He's doing with me in Denmark. What all the practicalities look like, is really beyond me, but I know that my heart is to be open and obedient to what the Lord wants to do in both countries! This all collided for me as I noticed this little shop in town that I'd never been in even though I loved what I saw from the store front window. I finally took a minute and went inside and the first thing that drew my attention was this simple scented candle! 

To my complete surprise... {Hygge} was scripted on the front of this candle!

This lovely little shop, Mint Velvet, had been started by 3 English women who had based their fashion designs off of Danish style! I felt like it was a little something from the Lord to assure me that some how these two nations are connected and I'm to be a part of it in some way! In my excitement of the Lord speaking in the little things and how much this concept really hits home for me... I shared it with some close friends of mine this afternoon! Once we finished up together and were walking back to the car, past Mint Velvet, we decided to pop in so I could show them what I had been talking about! Little did I know that they had conspired to buy me this beautiful {Hygge} candle! What a blessing to have a God & friends who care about the little things in life, that all come together to create a giant lifelong adventure!


The Danish art of building a sanctuary of cosiness, 
stirring the senses & appreciating the simple things in life ~ uncomplicated & beautiful

Be a part of my many adventures with the Lord by
praying for me and supporting me financially!
Click here to support Me!

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

I Reached For The Mic!

This afternoon in our ministry staff meeting, I reached for the mic! Now for most of you this may not seem like anything big but for me it was a huge step! It's only hours later that I realise the action I made was evidence of freedom from fear that I've walked in for the majority of my life!

For many years I'd struggled with fear of microphones, public speaking and not wanting to make mistakes and certainly not when they'd be projected to multitudes of people! 

About six months ago I was at a conference and we prayed through some strongholds of fear and made the conscious choice to walk out of fear and into more freedom with Jesus! I felt something shift in my spirit and the last few months has been a journey towards what that freedom looks like practically! I sincerely believe that when I reached for that microphone this afternoon, it was my body submitting to the freedom my spirit received and finally had the opportunity to manifest physically in my life!