Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The Many & The Few

There are many and there are few.

There are many that have passed through my life. Many that I have loved and mentored and many that have influenced my life for a season. It has been a privilege to impact these lives that the Lord has brought across my path. Many have gone in and out of my life and although that takes a toll on my heart, it is a joy that is inexpressible! The joy of seeing lives transformed and people radically changed from the love of Christ!

There are also the few who stay in my life. The few who are consistent and dedicated to the process of understanding this friendship that the Lord has put us in no matter where we end up. These are the ones who are known by me and know who I am and I am grateful for these deep friendships that I've been blessed with! Although these few may not always be in my current surroundings, they will always be in my heart and that's when you know that you've made a friend for life.

With the many, you always say goodbye and hope to stay in touch BUT with the few, you can say goodbye knowing that the friendship will carry on no matter what.